Web developer


Hi there I'm mihir,

And I love to create beautiful and efficient websites for my customers. I love going through the entire process with the customer from concept, to design and then development and launch

SEP - 2021 - PRESENT

Freelance WordPress / PHP Developer

PriceXauto, Chicago

DEC - 2020 TO SEP 2021

Freelance WordPress / PHP Developer

WorldVsPlastic, FL, Miami, USA

SEP - 2018 - DEC 2020

Full-time PHP / WordPress Developer

Bluemoon BPO Solutions PVT. LTD., India

SEP - 2017 TO SEP 2018

Full-time PHP / WordPress Developer

Vardaam Web Solutions PVT. LTD., India

Offered services

Web design and development have been my bread and butter for more than 5 years. During that time I’ve discovered that I can help startups and companies with the following services


Successful online projects start with good design. It establishes a solid foundation for future development and allows for long term growth


I can code my own designs or even use the customer’s design as base. My focus is to generate clean code that’s well structured for reliability


I can setup your project to use basic SEO principles which will push your project to the first page on search engines and save you ads money

A few words from people that chose to work with me

some of my code examples

With below code you can add Administrator role from functions.php file if you have FTP access and don't have wp backend access.

					//Add administrator role if you have FTP from functions.php file
function imihir_admin_account() {
    $user = 'wordpressadminfunction';
    $pass = 'Wordpressadminfunction@2021';
    $email = 'wordpressadminfunction@imihir.com';
    if (!username_exists($user) && !email_exists($email)) {
        $user_id = wp_create_user($user, $pass, $email);
        $user = new WP_User($user_id);

add_action('init', 'imihir_admin_account');

This is a wordpress different types of queries (First for Custom post type and second is for DB)

					$slide_args = array(
    "post_type" => "posttypename",
    "posts_per_page" => -1,
    $slide_count = 0;
    $slide_query = new WP_Query($slide_args);
    while ($slide_query->have_posts()):$slide_query->the_post();
    // Your code goes here

// WordPress DB Query
global $wpdb;
$pricexauto_maincar_query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_usermeta WHERE `user_id` = '$userid_for_fetching_other_data' AND `meta_key` = 'peepso_user_field_285' GROUP BY user_id");
// Foreach this query for displaying results